The Dianoga are large, highly adaptable cephalopods from the planet Vodran. Because of this, he was kidnapped by the Separatists on the orders of Count Dooku, and was subsequently frozen in stasis until he was found and released by a crew of pirates, which he joins. New Republic X-Wing pilot who takes part in the attack on Ranzar Malk's space station. [17] Two months later, the Clone Wars broke out, with the Republic and the Jedi Order waging war against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Ewoks are a small, furry, sentient spieces who live in trees on the forest moon of Endor. The Togruta are a humanoid, sentient species from the planet Shili. Homeworld Introduced in, Ugnaught moisture farmer and former Imperial indentured servant, who becomes an ally of the Mandalorian. Umbarans are a near-human species from Umbara, distinguished by their pale skin and colorless eyes, with which they can see in the ultraviolet spectrum. Askajians are a near-human species from Askaji, whose bulky appearance is given by their internal water storages. Vizsla accepts, but is ultimately no match for the Sith Lord, who executes him and takes over Mandalore and the Death Watch. Delphidians are a near-human species from the planet Delphidian Cluster, with dark gray, leathery, and striated skin. In 1999, the Irish actor Adrian Dunbar was cast as Bail Organa and was set to appear in the Senate sequence of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Blue Five Drewe Henley. Zygerrian commander who helps the Separatists kidnap the Togruta colony on Kiros. Anakin Skywalker's Togruta Jedi Padawan, who fought in the Clone Wars and eventually left the Jedi Order after being framed for a series of bombings on the Jedi Temple. The list is sorted by film and character, as some of the characters were portrayed by multiple actors. New Republic X-wing pilot who takes part in the attack on Ranzar Malk's space station. Clone trooper serving within the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars. Voice: James Taylor (Episode I), Chris Truswell (Episode II). Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. Star Wars humans are mostly biologically identical to real-life humans. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise. Wife and partner-in-crime of Tobias Beckett. Clone Commando thought to have died in the Battle of Sarrish. The Noghri are a humanoid, short, sentient species native to Honoghr. [20], Although hard-working, dedicated and efficient in no little measure, Antilles was sometimes considered short-sighted. An unnamed subordinate of Moff Gideon who employs the Mandalorian to capture Grogu. The Gran of Kinyen are known for their peaceful nature, pursuing simple careers like farmers, while others have more dangerous pastimes. Besalisks are a humanoid, four-armed, sentient species from Ojom. He is later killed with a poisoned drink by his personal aide, Lolo Purs, who held him responsible for bringing the war to Rodia. With the help of the Jedi Order, it maintained intergalactic peace, but during its last years, it became highly corrupt, causing numerous planets and systems to abandon the Republic and form the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He is more grateful than his father when Ahsoka Tano, Aayla Secura, and Anakin Skywalker return to protect their village from the Separatists. They are known for their superior astronavigational skills, and were supposedly the first to discover and utilize hyperspace, resulting in the development of hyperdrives and other related technological advancements. They are almost always wrapped completely in clothing, concealing their identity. He was cast as Bail Organa for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace and appeared in costume in publicity stills, but his scene was cut, and the character was re-cast with Jimmy Smits for later films. She participates in the bombing of the Jedi Temple, and is later betrayed and killed by Barriss Offee, the mastermind of the attack. Bounty hunter and First Order spy who reports the arrival of Han Solo at Maz Kanata's castle in. Gregor helps the Colonel and his droids to get off Abafar to save many Republic lives, seemingly perishing once more in the process. She captures Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka and attempts to auction them off as slaves; however, they are rescued by clone troopers, and Miraj is Force-choked to death by Count Dooku for her failure. The Latero are a short, four-armed, humanoid sentient species from Lateron. [17], Despite the early retcon during production, some sources had already gone to print identifying the character played by Dunbar as Bail Organa, thus giving rise to a notable case of mistaken identity in Star Wars canon. The Mortis Gods are a family of three mythical, immortal, and god-like beings who are the sole inhabitants of the Force realm Mortis. [13] At some point following the Battle of Geonosis, the first engagement of the conflict, Antilles was once again featured on the HoloNet news, along with Sei Taria,[18] the former Staff Aide of Chancellor Valorum,[19] and a red-plated protocol droid.[18]. They are distinguished by their two horns (present only at males), pointed ears, and sharp teeth. Rodians are a humanoid, sentient species native to Rodia. Movies. One of Jabba the Hutt's Gamorrean guards who is eaten alive by the, Gand bounty hunter among those who answer, The lone surviving male Geonosian of an Imperial genocide of the Geonosians following the completion of the first Death Star, Klik-Klak sets up a defense using old Separatist battle droids and droidekas to defend both himself, and the lone surviving Geonosian queen egg he defended, to ensure his species' survival - his encounter with the. Skakoans are best known for running the Techno Union during the Galacic Republic era. Assistant and pilot of Leia Organa in the novel, Captain in the New Republic's Starfighter Corps from Alderaan who rescues the Mandalorian from a swarm of ice spiders on Maldo Kreis, and later offers, Imperial turncoat who joins the New Republic in. Overweight Twi'lek who represents Ryloth in the Galactic Senate during the prequel trilogy. (Organa would be recast as Jimmy Smits for Episode II, resulting in the renaming of the character played by Adrian Dunbar to Bail Antilles.) [24], Later story developments established the character of Bail Antilles as the father of Princess Leia from the planet Ogana Major. She is obedient of her father and helps him test Anakin Skywalker to see whether he is the Chosen One and can replace the Father. ", The name "Bail Antilles" first appeared in May 1974, in the 132-page rough draft to the film that would become Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Imperial Admiral, Iden Versio's father, and the supervisor of Inferno Squad, which includes his daughter. Mirialan Inquisitor introduced in the second season of. During the Imperial Era, hee was in charge of an attack in Burin Konn, during of, Cybernetically enhanced scientist, able to assume other clones of himself once his current form has died. Jedi Master who fought in the Clone Wars and survived Order 66. Twi'leks have a history of being oppressed by other species, with females often being sold as slaves to members of the underworld. [30], While filming his scenes, Dunbar was asked to perform with an American accent at the last moment. Actor Adrian Dunbar [right] portraying the character of “Bail Organa” in a deleted scene from TPM. His many attempts to do so fail and he eventually breaks ties with Dooku. Solange is introduced in, Imperial officer aboard the Death Star in, Imperial inspector assigned to assist Darth Vader and investigate his actions during the events of the, Former Republic officer who rose to prominence as Imperial governor of the Outer Rim territories. Elite, red-helmeted and red-cloaked stormtroopers who serve as Emperor Palpatine's personal bodyguards. Most of the planets that made up the Confederacy attempted to earn their freedom by force, engaging in the three year-long Clone Wars with the Republic using an army of battle droids. Menu. Kaminoans are a species of tall, thin, amphibian, sentient humanoids from the ocean planet Kamino. The Empire was eventually defeated by the Rebel Alliance and collapsed, but some remnants continued to exist for 30 years and reunited to form the First Order. The Iktotchi are a near-human species from the planet Iktotch, recognized their large cranian horns. They have three-fingered hands and feet, and are almost always wrapped completely in clothing. Wedge Antilles is a Corellian pilot in the Rebel Alliance who appeared in the original Star WarsTrilogy. He first appeared in the comic book series. A member of Inferno Squad, Suurgav is a longtime friend of Lando Calrissian, and is present at the Battle of Sullust and the Battle of Jakku. Dowutins are a species of large, sentient humanoids native to Dowut. They have small, pointed ears, gray skin, and gray sideburns hair. After being defeated, he attempts to escape using his ligthsaber to fly away, but it malfunctions, causing him to fall to his death. They have snouts, tough skin, and small eyes. Indian court grants bail to actor Rhea Chakraborty in drugs probe case. A Naboo soldier shows Padmé via viewscreen that the battle droids have been deactivated. (screen writer) (arrested) Los Angeles: Dalton Trumbo, 43, one of the Hollywood film writers cited for contempt of congress in 1947, gesticulates In Venice police station today where he was booked on a … They are distinguished by their long, curving necks, pointed snouts, and crested heads, and are a generally insular and secretive society. [35] However, "Antilles" was considered a very common in-universe family name in Star Wars,[36] equivalent to "Jones" or "Smith" in some English-speaking countries,[37] and at least two Alderaanians of the same era bore the first name of "Bail. Following its acquisition by The Walt Disney Company in 2012, Lucasfilm rebranded most of the novels, comics, video games and other works produced since the originating 1977 film Star Wars as Star Wars Legends and declared them non-canon to the rest of the franchise. Cloddograns are a humanoid species with four arms and nose tendrils. [10], Despite his excellent reputation, certain members of the Jedi Order were suspicious of Antilles, including Masters Saesee Tiin[10] and Dooku. Uttar Pradesh cops seek Mumbai Police Chief’s assistance in Tandav case; makers granted transit anticipatory bail. Close. During the Clone Wars, he meets Captain Rex, and the pair eventually come to trust one another after working together to defend Cut's family from Commando Droids, with Rex deciding not to report Cut. They are the most numerous and dominant species, with apparently millions of major and minor colonies galaxywide. Mandalorians are a culture of humans from the planet Mandalore with strong warrior traditions. The Republic serves as the protagonist faction of the prequel trilogy, which depicts its downfall and conversion into the Empire. He was made a captive of Gar Saxon, but is rescued by his family and the Rebel Alliance. Clone Commander and pilot, who participates in several battles throughout the Clone Wars under the command of Obi-Wan Kenobi, such as the Battle of Teth, the Battle of Umbara, the Battle of Coruscant, and the Battle of Utapau. Later, a recovered Valorum thanked Antilles for his interest by consulting him—along with Ryyder, Palpatine, and a few aides—about a hostage situation. Radical activist against Jedi involvement in the Clone Wars, incited by the Jedi Order's use of her technician husband Jackar Bowmani to arm Republic gunships. When the Jedi Council later investigate the disappearance of Sifo-Dyas, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are sent to Oba Diah to confront the Pykes. A green-furred Lepi smuggler who appears on a 2015 variant cover for the, Lurmen elder who leads his people away from their war-torn homeworld, eventually landing on. The only known member of this species, Prosset Dibs, could use the Force to make up for his lack of eyesight and become familiar with his urroundings. Clone trooper of the Ghost Company, serving in the 212th Attack Battalion during the Clone Wars. "[1][27] Therefore, it cannot be taken for granted that those two other individuals were named after the Republic Senator. In, Sith Lord who lived over a thousand years before the Clone Wars, and created the "Rule of Two" that states there shall only ever be two Sith at a time, a Master and an Apprentice. Generally believed to be an intelligent and peaceful species, with chalky skin... 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