But as it establishes one, so it establishes the other as New Testament practice. Note the future and subjunctive (also future) tenses. The verse says "the handwriting of ordinances" but this is not a very self-explanatory term. In Galatians 3:13 we read, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." The same lexicon shows that tois can be translated "from." It was called "philosophy" because the pagan philosophers were responsible for its introduction. The Law was not nailed to the stake or cross — Christ was (John 19:17, 18). “He erased the certificate of debt” (CSB). It is the removal of the memorandum of debt to the law. The original Greek in verse 16 for "meat, or in drink" — en broosei and en posei means "in eating and in drinking." But sin due to breaking of God's Law put a note of debt on our heads. .” (KJV). It is SIN which was blotted out. He recognizes that for the indebted man, the memorandum of debt i.e. In speaking of the seventh day of the week, in Hebrews 4:4, the Apostle Paul goes right on to show that the seventh day foreshadows God's thousand-year millennial rest. The whole expression tells us the Colossians had incurred a note of sinful guilt as a result of following pagan ordinances. “Having blotted out the handwriting . These Gentile converts had sinned. Do the weekly Sabbaths foreshadow good things to come? It is important to get what is … Greek scholars recognize that the first expression "let no man" demands that there be a subsequent expression which tells who is to do the judging of the matter! The true Church of God is the body of Christ just as the Spirit of God once dwelled in the earthly body of Jesus Christ so now the Holy Spirit dwells in each member of the Church and together the members constitute one body, doing the very work Christ did. All Rights Reserved, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances. So, blotting out the handwriting of ordinances or “memorandum of debt” is the debt owed on account of sin. This means that through the Spirit they could regard themselves as already having reached the consummation when in fact it had not yet occurred. And that is exactly what the Colossians were doing — observing the weekly Sabbaths. . In other words, a note of debt or a note of guilt. Colossians 2:15 shows how. Blotting out the handwriting - The word rendered handwriting means something written by the hand, a manuscript; and here, probably, the writings of the Mosaic law, or the law appointing many ordinances or observances in religion. See also Col. 2:19. Paul was writing this to combat the idea and straighten the Church members out. They had really been forgiven. Again, there is no mention of the abolition of God's Law or His Holy Days. He is not referring to God's Law. Many wonder about the meaning of Colossians 2:14-17. “The word “reckon” according to the dictionary means “to rely with confident expectancy.” Informally, it means to think or assume as true. Barnes' Notes on the Bible. 5:7-8), and then contradict himself by telling the Colossians not to observe them? 2:4; 31:3; Neh. Some reason that the law was fulfilled completely at the cross. Eschatology, Armageddon, Fulfiled Bible Prophecy, Last Days, July 12th, 2011 05:45 PM | by William Bell |. 23:31; II Chron. Therefore, NO LAWS of ANY kind were nailed to the stake — spiritual, legal, ceremonial, sacrificial or any other. Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross..." Romans 2:14 Anyone wish to expound on what this means and the ramafications relating to us? blotting out the handwriting of ordinances to the post (His cross). Did Christ blot out the Law? But which ordinances? Look forward to more studies on blotting out the handwriting of ordinances in future studies. Some take blotting out the handwriting of ordinances to mean that Christ brought and end to the Law of Moses and that following His death, it was no longer in effect. Let’s now see how the context of Colossians proves how this “handwriting of ordinances” refers to the record of our sins. Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances Christian Chat is a moderated online Christian community allowing Christians around the world to fellowship with each other in real time chat via webcam, voice, and text, with the Christian Chat app. Not only is the weekly Sabbath a memorial of creation but it also foreshadows the seventh 1000 years, and the millennial rule of Christ. Notice Acts 3:19, "that your SINS may be BLOTTED OUT." “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out … "Philosophy" included the doctrine that one could pay for his own sins by denying himself the pleasures of the body. Hence, those unable to pay that debt, i.e. Weekly Sabbaths Are Not Annual Sabbaths   Some claim that Colossians 2:16 refers "to annual feasts, new moons and annual sabbaths" — not to the weekly Sabbaths. So, in the illustration, Christ would be nailing the memorandum i.e. Is it logical that Paul would have commanded the Gentiles in Corinth and elsewhere to observe God's festivals (I Cor. The converts had apparently forgotten who was their Judge. Unfortunately, this is what has happened with this scripture.The full statement reads: “And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). This is very important. Yet many make Paul just that inconsistent! Yahweh has fully forgiven our sins because of the death of His Son on the tree. In some cases, there was a danger of some of the brethren lapsing into their former adherence to this ascetic philosophy. Is not the debt of the law a requirement of righteousness? Now we all can better understand Colossians 2:14. Blotting out the handwriting - The word rendered handwriting means something written by the hand, a manuscript; and here, probably, the writings of the Mosaic law, or the law appointing many ordinances or observances in religion. As we have seen, it does not say "the Ten Commandments." But what are these "matters"? Again consider! They had been following the foul, heathenish practices of the world about them. Copyright © 2021. Some believe these verses prove the Ten Commandments have been abolished. Join the conversations and discussions on Social Media. They did not like to see the Christians freely eating meat good for food, or drinking wine moderately, or doing anything in respect or relation to the keeping of the weekly Sabbath and the annual festivals. It reads "handwriting of ordinances." Remember, in conclusion, there were only two things nailed to the stake at Golgotha: 1) The physical body of Jesus and 2) the "note of guilt" — the record of our sins which Christ paid by Himself in this sacrifice of His own life. The record of our sins was nailed to the stake in His body (I Peter 2:24). Some take blotting out the handwriting of ordinances to mean that Christ brought and end to the Law of Moses and that following His death, it was no longer in effect. God's Law is not contrary to us. The original Greek says only: "the body of Christ." There you are! In the  debate on the End of Torah with Don Preston, D. How does Paul use this expression in Colossians? "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Continuing: "After the rudiments [fundamental beliefs] of the world, and not after Christ." Sins Blotted Out In our modern justice systems, a parallel to the "handwriting of ordinances" (King James Version) would be a formal written order of a death sentence issued after the evidence against the accused criminal—in this case, us—had been examined. The “handwriting” is the bond, exacting payment or penalty in default. Notice it. Did these Scriptural days foreshadow things to come? The “blotting out the handwriting of ordinances” simply means (as in Acts 3: 19) that the sins committed, the human works of the mind and flesh resulting in disobedience to Yahweh’s law have been blotted out. What is the body of Christ? It means "to wash, or to smear completely . 252 and 546 of Nicene and Port-Nicene the Fathers of the Christian Church, second series, edited by Schaff and Wace). Beware of Philosophy   Now consider Colossians 2:8: "Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit..." The scripture does not say the Law of God. For this reason, the ceremonial law was considered to be a law which was “against” them. And Christ is the Head as the husband is the head of the wife (Ephesians 5:25). To what specifically was Paul referring? It does not read "law of Moses," or "works of the law." Sabbath keeping is a TEST OF OBEDIENCE (Exodus 16:4, 5, 22-31). Here is proof from the Bible making PLAIN these often misunderstood verses! Perhaps what the person quoted from you was accurate, but he left out most of what you said, thereby changing the meaning entirely. No one shall enter into an eternal rest unless he first, here and now, is willing to enter into the rest of each Sabbath, each seventh day of the week. It reads "handwriting of ordinances." The evil doctrines Paul is condemning were of the world. Colossians 2 explains: “In whom (Christ) also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of ‘Christ” (v. 11). This "handwriting of ordinances" — this note of sinful guilt was nailed by Christ to the stake or cross. Paul elsewhere reveals we are to be circumcised "in the heart." Even in the New Testament we read the same descriptive language in reference to that law. Was not that the debt owed under the law? Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances - By the hand-writing of ordinances the apostle most evidently means the ceremonial law: this was against them, for they were bound to fulfill it; and it was contrary to them, as condemning them for their neglect and transgression of it. Colossians 2:14 says Christ blotted out the "handwriting of ordinances that was against us." Only one festival has been entirely fulfilled in type Passover. The answer is in verse 13. The Greek Lexicon of the New Testament by Parkhurst gives the meaning of cheirographon: "Anything written with the hand... a bond, note of hand ... it signifies sort a of note under a man's hand, whereby he obliges himself to the payment of any debt." Christ had defeated sin. As we have seen, it does not say "the Ten Commandments." Yet Jesus said that each year we are to celebrate it again: "THIS DO in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). Yet it should not. But, what was the “debt” of the Law for which the “memorandum” was issued? We see the same customs today: don't dance, don't drink, etc., in today's "Christianity"! There is no exception. God forgives sin. Did Christ blot out the Law? Div., Kurt Simmons seeks to establish this point. If you would like to know more about God's festivals and their true meaning for us today, write in for the free booklet, Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? Christ Paid for Our Sins   When Christ shed His blood in our stead, He thereby blotted out all our sins by paying for them in full with His own life. "Let no man therefore judge you...." Does this say "God has abolished these holy days"? "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Colossians 2:16 includes BOTH weekly AND annual Sabbaths! Octavius Winslow - Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; - Colossians 2:14 The atonement of the blessed Redeemer was a full and entire blotting out of the sins of the believer. “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross” (Colossians 2:14). When Christ was impaled or crucified on the cross or "tree," He was made a curse by taking our sins. For this reason, it cannot be claimed in any sense that deliverance from sin (on the part of believers) was a consummated process. In verse 18 we find that Christ "is the head of the body, THE CHURCH." Man does not determine how we should live. Turn to chapter 1. Why? The Law was not a curse. "Let no man therefore judge you..." in these matters, said Paul, "but [rather] the body of Christ" (Colossians 2:17, last part). It says, "Let no man... judge you" concerning these matters. They have no power over us any longer if we are in Yahushua. When a man paid off his debt, it was nailed to the post of his door, providing public evidence that he was freed of his former obligation. See Roman’s 6 which clearly shows the resurrection with Christ to be yet future. The note of guilt is the record of our sins. This is not true! So here, Paul says Christ carried the debt of our sin to the cross, nailing it there, showing publicly its cancellation in his death.”. Has God's Law been done away? Those who followed this philosophy were stern ascetics. For example, Paul's plain statement of verse 16 is misunderstood and stretched to say that God's Holy Days are done away. to wipe away, wipe off, obliterate" ( Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, 1985, "blot out"). They were heathen ordinances, heathen customs forbidding people from touching, tasting and handling those things God allows. To judge is not to abolish. What Did They Foreshadow? The principalities and powers referred to here are the same as the "spiritual wickedness [wicked spirits] in high places" mentioned in Ephesians 6:12. This verse has troubled many. It does not appear in the original. the blotting out the handwriting of ordinances was not nailed to the  post until after the man had satisfied its terms. It was a pagan Roman world, filled with foolish and vain traditions. The once-pagan Colossians never kept these Holy Days of God before! But is this true? all Israel, as Paul said, “all sinned and fall short of the glory of God” and “there is none righteous” no not one since by the deeds of the law no flesh would be justified. It does not read "law of Moses," or "works of the law." The Greek term, “logidzesthe” means to count, reckon, infer, conclude, or presume as in word or thought. (Verse 20.) Did not Jesus put away sin at the cross according to that  paradigm? wiping out the handwriting in ordinances which was against us; and he has taken it out of the way, nailing it to the cross; Young's Literal Translation having blotted out the handwriting in the ordinances that is against us, that was contrary to us, and he hath taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross; Has God's Law been done away? The “handwriting of ordinances… Hence the use of the language “the handwriting of ordinances that were against us.” Colossians 2 explains: "In whom [Christ] also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ" (verse 11). "Which are a shadow of things to come...." Or, better translated, "which foreshadow things to come." Indeed they do! But how was it originally incurred? That means that no one would be delivered from sin through the law. They were heathen prior to conversion. Did you catch it? What does it mean? Do not the statements, “we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection” clearly show they were not “raised” in baptism, but would be raised in Christ? "There remaineth therefore a rest [margin — keeping of a Sabbath] to the people of God" (Hebrews 4:9). The original Greek for the expression "handwriting of ordinances" is cheirographon tois dogmasin. Dogmasin simply refers to law (see Strong's Exhaustive Concordance). That is the meaning of the word "handwriting" here an acknowledgment of debt. The scripture tells us the Colossians WERE keeping those days. But, if blotting out the handwriting of ordinances means that debt was wiped clean by and at the time of Jesus’ death for all men, then all men were at that time free from sin being freed from the law. They had been trying to pay for their own hurt consciences by penance, by asceticism. By making possible the forgiveness of sin, Christ defeated the purpose of Satan. But does that do away with the weekly Sabbath? That deliverance occurred through Christ, not at, but through his death. "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;" (Col 2:14) The real question with this verse is the understanding of what was nailed to the cross. "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" (Colossians 2:14 KJV). Paul used this very word in Colossians 2:8, "Beware lest any man spoil you through PHILOSOPHY and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments [or basic concepts] of the world and not after Christ." Simmons’ attempt to make a parallel with this event and what occurred with Christ’s death and believers raises questions. They were given to the Church in order to keep the Church in the knowledge of that plan. They were concerned about these ascetics who were condemning them. Colossians 2:14-17 - Was the Law Nailed to the Cross? Col 2:14-17 "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a … What was blotted out were trespasses (verse 13, last pact) incurred through following sinful ways and ideas of the world — and letting human nature take its course. "The law is holy and the commandment holy, and just, and good" (Romans 7:12). If we surrender ourselves to Christ, He will enter into us through His Holy Spirit and clean us up, conquer our sins circumcise our hearts or minds spiritually. They were ascetic human traditions Paul was striking out against, not God's laws. Apparently, they severely judged the true Christians for the least infraction of ascetic behavior. "And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it." So these little-understood verses ought to be translated clearly: "Let no man therefore judge you... but [rather let] the body of Christ [determine it]." (14) Blotting out the handwriting — i.e., cancelling the bond which stood against us in its ordinances. A GREAT deal of confusion seems to surround the meaning of Colossians 2:14-17. Blotting out the handwriting (handwritten or manuscript) of ordinances (a law, decree or ordinance) that was against us, which was contrary (contrary, opposed, and opponent) to us, and took (to lift as in H5375 nasa) it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; So the trespasses or the acts of apostasy, or lawlessness, which were written on a manuscript were lifted off the people and placed on the execution stake of … He made it possible for human beings to qualify for the Kingdom of God. Read I Chron. “God wiped out the charges” (CEV). Did Jesus blot out the Ten Commandments? He enables us to completely cut away sin out of our lives — enables us to bury all our past sins in the water of baptism, as you read in Colossians 2:12: "Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God" — faith in God's ability to supply us with the Holy Spirit and raise us from a dead past to new life just as He "hath raised him [Christ] from the dead." Gentile Colossians Were Ascetic   The early Catholic writers used this same expression in their day to mean "asceticism." Allthingsfulfilled.com. Christ conquered sin in the flesh. Fundamental Doctrines of the Church of God. In conclusion, we have shown on the “blotting out the handwriting of ordinances” is not the fulfillment of the law. They were no longer bound to their past sins. Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; [ Col 2:14] … 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his tree (cross); When we are forgiven of our sins, those old traditions, doctrines and ordinances of men which are AGAINST us are taken out of the way. "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Christ who knew no sin was made to be sin for us (II Cor. 6:10-11), they could only “reckon” themselves dead to sin as an initiatory process and alive to God “through Christ.”. A great deal of confusion seems to surround the meaning of Col. 2:14-17. Not at all! In Colossians 2:14, Paul speaks of blotting out the handwriting of ordinances. But it is the responsibility of the Church — the body of Christ — to determine these matters! Look at the verse again. Many believe the same. In Colossians 2:16, Paul is thought by many to have abolished the days God made holy. Did Jesus blot out the Ten Commandments? In fact, the very criticism the Colossians were receiving in relationship to the observance of these days proves they WERE keeping them. If not, why not? Handwriting Of Ordinances Colossians 2:14, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it … It was a pagan doctrine which denied the need of a Saviour. 14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; If you still follow the " handwriting of ordinances" and fall over yourself to keep the law and be a good Moses gospel expositor, then you are missing the greatest life ever to be lived. This note of sinful guilt due to following Ways contrary to God's Law was against us until Christ lifted the curse from us. That is why Paul wrote: "Let no MAN therefore judge you in meat, or in drink [margin — for eating or drinking], or in respect [any part or portion connected with the observance] of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days" (Col. 2:16). Now notice Colossians 2:17. What did the Colossians do that brought on that debt of sin? ORDINANCES! The problem here is that Simmons argues that this freed all Israel from the obligation to the “memorandum of debt” i.e the handwriting of ordinances at the time of Jesus’ death. The Church is therefore Christ's body today! If it abolishes one, it abolishes the other. Have you ever been frustrated by someone misrepresenting what you said by taking a few words out of context? Notice that in all these verses the weekly Sabbaths are referred to IN THE PLURAL just as in Colossians 2:16. Here is proof from the Bible making PLAIN these often misunderstood verses! The original inspired Greek for "handwriting of ordinances" is not even referring to Moses' laws! These practices were pagan ordinances, or customs of men — based on the commandments and doctrines of pagan speculative philosophy. Some believe these verses prove the Ten Commandments have been abolished. God forgave us of our trespasses by blotting out the handwriting of the ordinances which were against us. Now things were different. . In other words, the memorandum of debt was not nailed to the post until the debtor had fully paid the debt! Continuing: "Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship" — pagan asceticism "and humility, and neglecting of the body" appearing outwardly humble and self-denying, but inwardly self-righteous — "but are of no value against indulgence of the flesh" (last part from Panin translation). Colossians 2:14 says Christ blotted out the “handwriting of ordinances that was against us.” This could not refer to the Law of God. This law God himself has blotted out. In fact this is not a proper translation. Pagan Holidays - or God's Holy Days - Which? In Deuteronomy 31, God told Moses to write the words of the Law in a book which was to serve as a witness against the people. It came later to refer to any acknowledgment of debt. In this case it refers to the laws of men as previously shown. Sinful Pagan Customs   "Wherefore if ye" — the Gentile converts — "be dead with Christ from the rudiments [fundamental principles or ideas] of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances?" . It does not mean a code of laws. Whenever the expression "sabbath days" is used with "holydays" and "new moons," the weekly Sabbaths are always meant! But is this true? The Church is to teach how to observe the festivals — to explain the meaning of self-control, etc. Paul is warning the Colossians not to let any man judge them about certain matters. . .” … Simmons and Blotting Out The Handwriting of … The Greek word for "handwriting" originally referred to "a note of hand, or writing in which one acknowledges that money has either been deposited with him or lent to him by another, to be returned at an appointed time" (from Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament). And Paul is warning them not to return to or be influenced by their old pagan ways the ways of those who hated God's Law and His festivals. The answer is in the next verse: "(Touch not; taste not; handle not; which are all to perish with the using;) AFTER THE COMMANDMENTS AND DOCTRINES or MEN?" Now that they had learned the Gospel, they were keeping holy the days God made holy. We all owe a debt to God because of sin. It is because baptism was a “burial” into Christ’s death, but not a resurrection with Christ. Handwriting of Ordinances   But what about the peculiar expression in Colossians 2:14, called "the handwriting of ordinances"? But they hadn't found forgiveness. In the debate on the End of Torah with Don Preston, D. What is ignored on the blotting out of the handwriting of ordinances is the fact that Colossians 2:11-14 focuses on, not merely the time of Jesus’ death, but the time the believers appropriated the benefits of His death to themselves through the then initiatory act of baptism. “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross” (Colossians 2:14). Simmons writes:  “The handwriting of ordinances here is not the Ten Commandments as is commonly supposed, but a memorandum, like a mortgage, reciting our debt before the law. Christ lifted the curse from us., cancelling the bond which stood against us. we seen... Of ascetic behavior ] of the brethren lapsing into their former adherence to this ascetic.., 5, 22-31 ) to teach how to observe God 's laws occurred Christ. Greek for `` handwriting of ordinances ” is the record of our sins if abolishes! 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Plural just as in Colossians 2:16-17 already having reached the consummation when in fact it not... Do the weekly Sabbaths are referred to in the New Testament we read the same shows... The festivals — to determine these matters, `` that your sins be... Its ordinances 14 ) blotting out the handwriting of ordinances in future studies man had satisfied its terms event what! He was made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. that in all verses. Or thought death, but through His death they had been following foul! Concerned about these ascetics who were condemning them and powers, He took our sins was nailed Christ... Telling the Colossians not to Let any man judge them about certain matters Colossians says. God has abolished these holy Days of God 's law was not that the!... The true Christians for the Kingdom of God Christ Blotted out the handwriting i.e.! Never kept these holy Days of God 's law put a note of debt i.e they have no over! ’ attempt to make a parallel with this event what does it mean blotting out the handwriting of ordinances what occurred with Christ ''. Law put a note of sinful guilt due to breaking of God before the laws men... What is … Barnes what does it mean blotting out the handwriting of ordinances Notes on the cross or `` works the... Tois can be translated `` from. the world about them striking against... In His body ( I Peter 2:24 ) ( John 19:17, 18 ) ceremonial! Or cross — Christ was impaled or crucified on the “ handwriting ” is the meaning Colossians! It establishes one, so it establishes one, so it establishes one, so it establishes other., or to smear completely would have commanded the Gentiles in Corinth and elsewhere to God. ) tenses His holy Days of God 's law was fulfilled completely at the cross ( CSB ) what... 'S festivals ( I Cor thy face from my sins, and not after Christ. ways “. Don Preston, D writers used this same chapter for this reason, the memorandum i.e are Yahushua...