"2 out of 3" rule Under the current law … Posted Thu Thursday 14 Sep September 2017 at 8:06am Thu Thursday 14 Sep September 2017 at … } else { //English or undefined language // Through media laws and concentrated media ownership, the Malaysian Government oversees all the information circulating in the mass media. The new media ownership law doesn't address the real crisis journalism is facing This article is more than 2 years old. them using a new database of media ownership in 97 countries. These require the balance between rights and obligations. document.write('소비자 지원 센터'); Media ownership rule. else if (languages === "Chinese") { } Unlike the rules discussed above, the National Television Ownership rule is no longer subject to the FCC's quadrennial review. Media control registers. } Government ownership of the media, perhaps even as a monopoly, is then desirable for three reasons. Many other regulations govern the news media. // // // American courts have long assumed a universal human concern with the disposition of our mortal remains. The first theory of the media—and of institutions more generally—is the public interest (Pigouvian) theory, in which governments maximize the wel- fare of consumers. } Concentration in the mass media. Following the Leveson Inquiry the Press Recognition Panel (PRP) was set up under the Royal Charter on self-regulation of the press to judge whether press regulators meet the criteria recommended by the Leveson Inquiry for recognition under the Charter. } Media and the Law. Details of the current ownership rules are summarized below. Due to the loosening of ownership restrictions, more and more media outlets are falling under the control of a few giant corporations, a tendency called media consolidation. They are politically compromised when the non-media interests involve government licences. [CDATA[// >,